Smile, There Are Always Potatoes

It is amazing how many different combinations we can make with food. Endless possibilities to mix and match flavors, colors, scents and create whatever you desire. Healthy, chilly, gourmet, seasonal, light recipes… thousands of them!!! A vegetable with so many recipes in its background is “the potato”! Really, how many recipes with potatoes do you know?
Maybe because it is one of the most desired vegetables, a favorite for kids…and not only. Maybe because it’s a bit forbidden, precious veggie with some extra calories which becomes even more tasteful, desirable and even more forbidden when it meets the frying pan. Of course, you all know that I have potato chips on my mind! ( come on now, everyone has that little bag hidden in the cupboard for those difficult days)!
There are so many different opinions, scientific and alternatives, of what we should do with potatoes. Should we eat them? Are they totally useless to us? Should we eat them once in a while? Although there are so many conflicts, the only sure thing is that the potato remains The Big Love!! Included almost in our everyday menu, the potato gives us this delicious taste and also the possibility to make many recipes with.
Maybe it is my personal opinion but I think that I need potatoes more in the winter time. Their content in calories helps us have a more balanced diet, full of flavor and energy that we need for the cold winter months.
On this cold January Friday, I chose to cook one of my favorite recipes, potato soufflé with trout and asparagus! I believe this is one of the most elegant outfits for the potato, so elegant that this recipe is on our festive tables most of the time. So beautiful, puffy, golden, sensuous…. Perfect!! I have made this recipe so many times and every time I discover a new version of it. The base is always the same, boiled or roasted potatoes, but the rest of the ingredients are different every time. My favorite is with smoked fish, salmon or trout. The impressive thing about this recipe is that you can make it with whatever leftovers you find in your fridge and have a fantastic, complete meal! Turkey, cheese and some veggies leftovers are more than enough to make a dinner.
Today “star” is the trout. I adore the scent and the flavor of this smoked fish. It gives a special smoky tone to every dish.
Hope you will enjoy this plate. If you try to cook it, don’t hesitate to have fun and play with different ingredients. Whatever you choose will be delicious for sure.
6 medium-sized potatoes
½ bunch of the tender part of the asparagus
3 smoked trouts ( or smoked salmon, or both mixed)
7 egg yolks
7 egg whites ( beaten as a meringue)
Finely chopped chives
½ bunch finely chopped dill
1 cup grated parmesan
1 cup melted cheese
3 tbs melted butter
1 cup dairy cream
Place the potatoes in a large pot with water, salt and boil. Keep in mind not to over boil them because they will lose their skins and we need them. When the potatoes are ready, we cool them for a while. Remove a tiny slice from the top of the potato and with a spoon carefully remove the inside of the potato. Be sure not to lose the shape. Place the empty potatoes on a baking surface platter and sprinkle them with some salt. Mash the potatoes that you have removed, making puree, and place it in a bowl. Add the egg yolks, the trout in pieces, finely chopped asparagus, dill, chives, dairy cream, butter and the melted cheese. Mix the ingredients well. In the end, add the meringue very slowly and carefully. Finish it off with some salt and pepper. With the mix that you have made, fill the potatoes and sprinkle them with grated parmesan. Place them in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes until they get puffy and golden. With the remaining of stuffing, you can fill small pyrex bowls and bake them.